Ab nächster Woche beginnt der Spin off von Warner Media. Das Prozedere ist hier auf der AT & T - Website ungefähr ziemlich genau beschrieben: Es kann sich ziehen, ist vom Verfahren her eher komplex, und was für einen Nummernsalat (nur die Aktie, die Aktie samt Anrecht, nur das Anrecht) wir vorübergehend in unseren hiesigen Depots haben werden und wie und wann er sich auflöst und ob sich alle der beschriebenen trading options ergeben, bleibt abzuwarten: (...) The trading options that will be available during the two-way trading period are: AT&T Regular Way Trading If, during the period of two-way trading, an AT&T shareholder sells a share of AT&T common stock in the regular way market under AT&T's NYSE symbol, "T," the shareholder will be selling both the share of AT&T common stock and the right to receive shares of WBD common stock in the transaction. AT&T Ex-distribution Trading If, during the period of two-way trading, an AT&T shareholder sells a share of AT&T common stock in the ex-distribution market under the temporary NYSE symbol "T WI," the AT&T shareholder will be selling only a share of AT&T common stock and will retain the right to receive shares of WBD common stock in the transaction. WBDWV Trading During the two-way trading period, an AT&T shareholder also has the option of selling the right to receive shares of WBD common stock while retaining shares of AT&T common stock. This option will be available under the temporary Nasdaq symbol "WBDWV". (...) Nachher wird man schlauer sein ...
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